miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013


The boy had that scissors in his hand. He was looking at the Sky. He was pointing to the Sky with the metal and there was fire in his eyes. The other arm was surrounded by a snake, that only had one poisonous tooth. The lion was amazed! All the things that the old whale had announced where happening!! Earth was on a critical moment. 

Short tale written by/with an 11 years old boy, playing in/with English. He had to use the underlined words. 

martes, 24 de abril de 2012

The hen asked for books

Long time ago, a hen went to a library and told to the seller:

-- Book, book!!

The seller, astonished, gave her a book and put it on her head. Then, the hen left the store. But, 15 minutes later, the hen came back and threw the book onto the counter.

-- Book, book!! -- told again.

The seller, astonished again, gave her an other book and put it on her head. Then, the hen left the store. But, 15 minutes later, the hen came back again and threw the book onto the counter.

-- Book, book!!! -- for the thirth time.

The seller, seriously than before, gave her an other book and put it on her head, and the hen left the store. But the seller, tiptoeing, closed the store and followed her. When the hen came to a river bank, the seller opened her eyes surprised. There was a huge frog, who told:

--Read it, read it...

by Peter Fuchs CC NC SA

martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

Contaminating flow on Oiartzun river (27-2-2012)

Translated from the original post.

Yesterday noon, we had lunch in Merka-Oiartzun and when we left, we saw the Oiartzun river all white (here). I decided to call 112 and I shortly learnt two things:

That´s posible, nowadays, to call 112 and be answered by a monolingual person. I begged for an Euskara speaker and, in the second try, a young boy answered. The trouble wasn´t more than 20 seconds, but I felt it a few long. Thanks to God that there "only" was endangered the life of river fauna, and not myself or another human... I asked for an Euskara speaker, I did act... on an egoist (and anthropocentric) way. Again.

And I also learnt that a contaminated river can clean itself on a hour! When I called to 112, till somebody came, I went upwards the river, taking photos, and when I came back to my factory the river was clean in front of it. Thanks to having the camera. "But what are you saying? it´s clean!" Told me my colleague. 

I´ve listened that people from 112 work great and I believe. But if want to improve the service, I suggest these two ways.


You can see there, that the white stuff is coming from Tajo, Alcampo... not from Iurrita watermill.

I got into the factory, while I had to do a pare of things before 15:00, and took the car and looked for the origin again at 15:10. I saw a worker of the Water Agency or the Basque Goverment. He already had found wich draining hole the liquid had came from (from here) and the trace took him to a small chest, into the polygon, among some companys. I don´t know, but I think he wasn´t pretty sure the responsible was going to be caught. He was kind. While I wanted to send him the pictures, I begged him an e-mail but I think it was the first time for him and he didn´t know any e-mail by heart. I gave him my telefone number (as I did with people from 112). I´m not sure they are calling...

We have an  album, at least.

I don´t want any mess, I´m not denouncing more than I´m doing here.

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011

a documentary called “The Last Passage”

Last 19 of september we were invited to watch a documentary called “The Last Passage” and we were asked for watching it from the educational view. I´m just a student, learning to be a teacher, so must be understood that my comment comes from this condition. 

The first thing that teachers did when seeing the documentary is to think which kind of students was it for: Wich level is the most apropiated for? Where will this documentary work best? I spent all the broadcasting doing it. And teachers that I talked with then made this too. We all decided that the most apropiated level to offer this film is first of High School (16-17 years). And the supporting reason was that the topics of documentary coincide with the topics that students are learning on this year. Allthoug a teacher has to have an in-depth knowledge about human development, I guess that sometimes we are too condicionated by this “template” called curriculum.

But let´s comment the documentary. As I told to Enara Goikoetxea, I saw a very litle Europe in there. And this is great! We use to see Europe bigger than it is, on the maps... There are shown many cultures of Europe in “The Last Passage”, different speaked languages change every time and subtitled come and disappear all the time. I´ve felt some kind of “europeanness” watching it, and that happened without any cultural standarization. We are into a globalization process and working on the development of the global and local personalities, working on both, may be important. This documentary is pretty good for developing the  “cultural awareness and expression” competence on students. Teacher could make the students debate if there is necessary to have a big, bad enemy to people join forces. I guess it is not a very new cuestion.

This is only one of the aspects of the touching documentary. 

Thanks again for the invitation.